breaking barriers; building bridges
Our work is fueled by our social mission – packaging with purpose. Able Solutions, along with our partner Friendship Industries, believes in transforming lives with jobs that open doors to a better future for our community neighbors facing obstacles to employment.
For many of our employees, the rising road from surviving to thriving runs through Able Solutions. As a contract packager, we are a social enterprise that combines the compassionate heart of a non-profit organization with the hard-working hands of a thriving business. We are on the front lines of fighting poverty. We provide jobs to our neighbors with barriers to employment, working to overcome challenges many of us may never face.
Able Solutions was founded in 2012 as an affiliate of Friendship Industries. Our mission is to provide employment and training opportunities for individuals with one or more barriers to employment. These barriers could be a lack of English-speaking or reading skills, work attendance issues, recovery from drug and alcohol addiction or reentry after incarceration.
We serve economically disadvantaged citizens of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County working hard to improve their lives, providing employment and training for those who need a “hand-up.” Many of our employees are in the A.L.I.C.E. population (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed), one emergency away from poverty

Building bridges to a brighter future is our driving purpose.
Employment is a defining aspect of adult life.
It connects us to a deeper sense of full participation in our various communities, allowing us to engage meaningfully with others and contribute to collective efforts.
Being employed matters.
Especially for persons with disabilities as well as individuals facing other significant barriers to gaining and maintaining employment.
Having a job fosters a sense of self-worth.
Employment opens up opportunities for social growth and development, ultimately leading to greater independence in various aspects of life.
Connecting our employees
to greater opportunities.
Working to build a stronger community.
thank you to our community partners

local leaders guiding our mission and purpose
Marcy Engle, Chairman
Gary W. Shickel, Vice Chairman
Harry Reif, Secretary
Marshall Yoder, Treasurer
Brian B. Shull