job opportunities
oportunidades laborales
Breaking barriers and building bridges to employment
Most of our present job opportunities are production positions requiring custom hand assembly and light industrial work.
La mayoría de nuestras oportunidades laborales actuales son puestos de producción que requieren ensamblaje manual personalizado y trabajo industrial ligero.
Candidates with military experience
Persons without a high school diploma/GED
Persons with gaps in their resume or who have been out of the workforce for the past 6 months or more
Someone just entering the workforce or returning to the workforce with limited experience and education
Older job seekers
Persons with disabilities
Waiting period may apply:
Dental Insurance
Flexible Spending Account
Health Insurance
Life Insurance
Vision Insurance
Candidatos con experiencia militar.
Personas sin diploma de escuela secundaria/GED
Personas con vacíos en su currículum o que han estado fuera del mercado laboral durante los últimos 6 meses o más
Alguien que recién ingresa a la fuerza laboral o regresa a la fuerza laboral con experiencia y educación limitadas.
Solicitantes de empleo mayores
Personas con discapacidad
Puede aplicarse un período de espera:
Seguro Dental Cuenta de gastos flexible
Seguro médico
Seguro de vida
Seguro de visión
apply online
Please visit our Indeed page to see available positions and submit an application.
Able Solutions and Friendship Industries are equal-opportunity employers. All qualified applicants will be considered for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin.
Able Solutions y Friendship Industries son empleadores que ofrecen igualdad de oportunidades. Todos los solicitantes calificados serán considerados para empleo sin distinción de raza, color, religión, sexo, orientación sexual, identidad de género u origen nacional. Por favor complete nuestro formulario de contacto laboral y nos pondremos en contacto. Si tiene preguntas, envíe un correo electrónico:
why able solutions?
We aim to place you, a prospective employee, in a position for which you are best suited to match your education, experience, knowledge, skill and effort.
fulfill your goals
In all of our employment and job opportunities, we look for people who see their next job as a step forward, a way to improve their position in life and are willing to work hard to realize their goals. Our Personal Improvement Center assists employees in reaching their personal goals by connecting them to local resources, such as language classes, housing services, transportation options and food resources.
advance your career
The packaging jobs coming through our doors are constantly changing, creating opportunities for cross-training and learning new skills. As an employer, we always seek a win-win employment opportunity that improves your job skills, advances your career goals, and fulfills our production needs.
equal opportunity
We are firmly committed to promoting equal employment opportunities for all of our employees and providing them with a professional work environment free from discrimination and harassment. This commitment is essential in fostering a culture of respect and inclusivity within our organization.